BMW Extended Warranty Updated 2021 Plans

BMW Extended Warranty Updated 2021 Plans

The extended warranty plans updated for 2021 are expensive enough to dig a hole in your pocket. The new vehicle warranty plans don’t last long from Automaker’s end which means an extended warranty is the last resort. The major reason for investing in luxury car extended warranties plans is high-performance vehicle service by ASE-certified technicians.


The expensive warranties don’t appeal to the driver as they offer the same service as any third-party car service center or car dealership like Mildenberger Motors. 


The research is the way to look around and save money on these warranties with personalized service and price quotes. The comparison can grant you options and deliver personalized customer service.

What is the 2021 BMW Extended Warranty Plan?

When buying a new vehicle manufacturer’s warranty comes along but before it expires user’s have the option to buy extended warranty plans. 2021 BMW extended warranty plans are consist of three different levels Powertrain Plus, Gold, and Platinum.


Powertrain Plus

Powertrain Plus has limited warranty coverage for engines and transmission. The major parts of the vehicle have slightly less coverage i.e. engine, transmission, fuel, driving axle, and cooling system.  The comprehensive warranty coverage has AWD and an engine system.


Gold Level

The Gold Level has comprehensive coverage for engine, transmission, fuel, steering wheel system, anti-lock braking, heating system, and air conditioning. The EV parts and components have limited coverage and inside the audio, infotainment systems are included in the same.


Platinum Level

Platinum BMW extended warranty is inclusive of the above-mentioned plans covering the audio, infotainment, and navigation systems. Limited coverage is available in the interior and exterior.


Extended warranty is available for 2-3 years inclusive of 75,000-100,000 miles. The car brands have extended warranty coverage that can be combined with the manufacturer’s warranty.

What is the cost of the 2021 BMW Extended Warranty?

The cost of a BMW extended warranty varies from model to model and depending on the terms. When negotiating the dealer has the leverage to set their own prices while selling the extended warranty.  The BMW extended warranty is inclusive of 24-hour roadside assistance in every plan with a $50 deductible inclusive of repairs. The repairs should be performed at the Authorized BMW dealership.

How much does BMW charge for repairs?

The luxury vehicles run on the most complex structure and expensive price tags come with extreme reliability. 2021 BMW line-up has EV and standard internal combustion engine with AWD and complex in nature tech that incur huge repair and maintenance costs.


The recall of BMW vehicles is in less percentage compared to the other Automaker. The vehicles have reported fewer issues, in the long run, compared to competitors and with reliability won the hearts of drivers globally.

Should I choose a third party over BMW’s extended warranty?

BMW extended warranty is expensive with a limited warranty while third-party are enriched with various services and maintenance as per your vehicle’s needs. The third-party warranties cover extensive repair nationwide with a myriad of benefits in the coverage. 


It is advisable to invest only when you have plans to keep your vehicle for a span of 5-6 years. Never invest if you don’t have any plans to keep the vehicle for few years. There are multiple options available when comes to buying an extended warranty plan when they expire. 

Is it worth buying a BMW Extended warranty?

It’s worth it if you can cope-up with the cost of a BMW Extended warranty that covers all major repairs. If cost is the factor affecting your decision, third-party warranties are great to invest in.

How much does BMW extended warranty cost?

BMW extended warranty plan has a starting cost of $7000 for a three-year Platinum plan. 

Is it possible to negotiate prices on extended warranties?

BMW has provided the opportunity to dealership quote their prices where the bracket for negotiation is available. There is no specific for how much negotiation you can do and remains under the budget.

When should I buy a 2021 BMW Extended warranty?

The best time to buy the 2021 BMW extended warranty is before the manufacture’s warranty expires. It is advisable to buy before the date arrives as it gives peace of mind also uncertainties can make happen anytime and huge repairs can cost huge dollars.